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Speakers from A-Z





Andrea de Winter

Andrea de Winter from University Medical Center Groningen is the scientific coordinator of the IROHLA project: “Intervention Research on Health Literacy among Ageing populations”, which focuses on improving health literacy for the older people in Europe. It is an EU-supported project under the FP7 research programme. Andrea de Winter will introduce the aim and initial results of the project. Furthermore, she will reflect on promising interventions to improve the health, participation and wellbeing of older adults.


Bartosz Hackbart - European Commission

The Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG Sanco) of the European Commission is supporting the development of health literacy at the EU-agenda through funding of health literacy projects, integration in strategies and supporting knowledge sharing platforms. At the conference the future EU-level initiatives will be presented and discussed.


Helmut Brand

Professor Helmut Brand from Maastricht University, the Netherlands has been leading the European Health Literacy project to establish health literacy in Europe. He is involved in health literacy Europeanization and health literacy integration to bridge research with policy and practice at global, European and national levels through international collaborations.


Ilona Kickbusch

Professor llona Kickbusch from the Graduate Institute in Geneva is one of the European pioneers within the health literacy field. She has been promoting health literacy for more than two decades. She will be addressing the future perspective of European health literacy.


Jane Wills

Professor Jane Wills from London South Bank University focuses on health literacy and health promotion. She will introduce her reflections concerning the promotion of critical health literacy.


Jany Rademakers

Dr Jany Rademakers is from NIVEL, the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research. Her research focuses on the diversity in health care, more specifically on health literacy and patient activation, and in general on patient involvement and empowerment in health care. She is a founding member of the Dutch Health Literacy Alliance and of the Health Literacy Knowledge Centre of NIVEL and RIVM. She will introduce the new EU-supported initiative which aims at providing sound evidence for a better understanding of health literacy in the EU.


Jürgen Pelikan

Professor Jürgen Pelikan from Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Health Promotion Research in Vienna, Austria has, as a member of the European Health Literacy Consortium been the chief analyst of the HLS-EU survey. He has been leading additional health literacy population studies in Austria and has played a key role in the health literacy policy developments in Austria, where health literacy has been integrated as a strategic national health goal for the coming years. Jürgen Pelikan will share the main outcomes of the European Health Literacy Survey at the conference in Aarhus.


Katrin Fjeldsted

Karin Fjeldsted is president of the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME). CPME considers health literacy as an important aspect for health professionals and acts as advocates for health literacy at European level by being involved in projects, EU policy development etc.


Stephan Van den Broucke

Professor Stephan Van den Broucke from Université Catholique de Louvain is leading the Diabetes Literacy project, which is supported by the EU's FP7 research programme. He will provide an overview of its objectives and initial results.


Thomas Abel

Professor Thomas Abel from Bern University in Switzerland, a sociologist in public health, calls for strengthening health literacy approaches through theoretical guidance. His own work on health literacy is focused on the links between social inequality (cultural capital, capabilities) and health literacy measurement (at the population level).


Tomasz Szelagowski

Tomasz Szelagowski's academic background is in pedagogical education. He has worked as a consultant and trainer in the areas of human relations and leadership. Tomasz Szelagowski is currently pursuing a line in further education in the field of Anthropology of Culture. As General Director of the Federation of Polish Patients (FPP) he is responsible for managing and implementing the overall strategy of the organisation. His contribution at the conference will be to raise awareness of health education and engineering large-scale organisational change among patient’s environment.










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