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Conference programme

10. April 2014





















Registration in building 1421:

“Konferencecenter” (“Conference Centre”) Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4


































Registration and lunch:

Buidling 1250, Lakeside Lecture Theatres: Bartholins Alle 3


















Opening session



























Helle Terkildsen Maindal, Conference chair, Aarhus University






Nick Haekkerup, Danish Minister of Health (video greeting)

Allan Flyvbjerg, Dean, Aarhus University





















Key note










Health Literacy Research 2.0: towards theory guided measures and their critical application

Thomas Abel, Bern University,CH















Introduction to European Health Literacy Research






The European Health Literacy project (HLS-EU)

Kristine Sorensen, Maastricht University, NL

& Jürgen Pelikan, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Health Promotion Research, AU







The Intervention Research on Health Literacy among the Ageing population

Andrea de Winther, University Medical Center Groningen, NL





The Diabetes Literacy Project

Stephan van den Broucke, University Catholic Louvain, BE


Providing sound evidence for a better understanding of health literacy in the EU

Jany Rademaker, Netherlands Indstitute for Health Service Research, NL































Parallel session I: Health literacy status in populations: Chair: Gill Rowlands, Aarhus University, DK






Parallel session II: Health literacy interventions: Chair: Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren, Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, NO














Aarhus by night from the rainbow at Aros Art Museum









Anecdotes from a health literacy pioneer by Ilona Kickbusch, Careum Foundation

and Graduate Institute Geneva, CH





















11. April 2014



















Morning Kick-Off: Critical health literacy: a pre-requisite for active participation in health?






Jane Wills and Susie Sykes, London South Bank University, UK













Parallell session III: Health literacy status in populations: Chair: Jürgen Pelikan, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Health Promotion Research, AT






Parallell session IV: Promoting health literacy in settings: Chair: Jany Rademakers, Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, NL































Teach-In I: Health literacy measurements: matching tool and purpose







Kristine Sorensen, Maastricht University, NL












Teach-In II: Health literacy intervention planning and evaluation





Helle Terkildsen Maindal, Aarhus University, DK































Closing session

















Panel: How to create a health literate Europe?







Helmut Brand, Maastricht University, NL

Karin Fjeldsted, Standing Committee of European Doctors, IS

Thomasz Szelagowski, European Patients Forum, PL

Bartosz Hagbart, European Commission, BE






Formulating the future vision for European health literacy





lona Kickbusch, Careum Foundation and Graduate Institute Geneva, CH





















































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