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The 3rd European Health Literacy Conference



Health Literacy Europe, the IROHLA Consortium and the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) organized the 3rd European Health Literacy Conference at the Management Centre Europe in Brussels, Belgium from 17-19 November 2015.


The theme for the 3rd European Health Literacy Conference highlighted the development of health literacy during the life course. During the conference, researchers, practitioners and policy makers shared evidence-based actions, practices and policies in the area of health literacy and discussed health literacy as an instrument to tackle inequities in health across Europe.

The conference hosted a range of speakers from various backgrounds discussing health literacy from the angle of medical and health sciences, psychology, social sciences, and communication sciences. Policy makers and opinion leaders debated the importance of integrating health literacy into societal systems. Researchers presnted and discussed their newest results.

The conference programme was interactive with key note speeches, scientific research presentations, teach-in sessions, panel discussions, a poster exhibition as well as room for networking.


More information to be found at

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